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How Social Tech Changed Recruitment & Job Searching
Woman in Orange using laptop

Social technology has transformed recruitment… Remember searching for a new job by trawling through newspaper ads or sending a CV in the post? –Me neither! Technology changes and develops every day. While the principles of recruitment and job-seeking are the same, the tactics are constantly changing. Way back when our founder, Natasha began her career as […]

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brightonSEO Roundup: Digital Recruitment Partner
brightonSEO April 2017

Another brightonSEO has whizzed past us… Here is our round-up of the training day, the conference and the clockworkTalent team’s highlights We have taken part and exhibited at the bi-annual, search marketing conference brightonSEO since its beginnings, and every time we find new passionate Digital Marketers and are reunited with old industry friends. Our co-founder, Kelvin […]

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Community Manager Lands New Career With Arc’Teryx
Mountain climbing

Community Marketing Manager reaches dizzy new heights as she lands her dream role… Those of you who know me, I love a great collaboration. A recent success story came through a great introduction from a recruitment friend of mine whom I worked with some 10+ years ago. She knew clockworkTalent specialised in digital marketing and […]

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Work Experience With clockworkTalent
working on laptop

Current College Student spends a jam-packed day in the company of our Specialist Digital Recruiters to discover the ins and outs of a professional working environment… We had the pleasure of having Melissa, a college student studying Media, English and Communication & Culture, work in our office for the day! She arrived unsure of the […]

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Digital Marketing Interview Outfits: Do’s and Don’ts
digital marketing job interview outfits

We’ve all been there… You’ve received an invitation to a job interview, but panic has set in about what to wear. What is the company dress code? Will I look overdressed… or under-dressed? HELP! Keep calm! clockworkTalent’s digital marketing recruiters are here to help with tips and tricks for all aspects of your interview outfit, including: […]

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Why Our Recruiters LOVE Valentine’s Day
Valentines Day why digital recruiters love valentines day

Digital Marketing Recruiter or Cupid? The way digital recruitment works can be compared to a blossoming relationship, and what better time than Valentine’s Day to tell you about it! Matching the best candidates to the right jobs and creating lasting relationships with Agencies, Brands and Individuals! …It’s all about the right people! As Digital Marketing Recruiters, […]

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4 Digital Marketing Hires, One Happy Sussex Brand

1 year, 4 successful hires and many smiling faces mean Mind Tools are happy to recommend our Specialist Recruiters… Just over a year ago we started working with a really interesting business just down the road from us in Sussex. It turns out Mind Tools, founded in 1996, are a leading provider of online management […]

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How is Wearable Technology Monitoring Your Workplace?
snapchat spectacles

With the popularity of location tracking apps increasing, how will wearable technology be bought into the workplace? Back in 2015, a company in Sweden implanted volunteer employees, and a couple of curious journalists, with microchips about the size of a grain of rice. They allowed staff to use printers, open doors and access office buildings […]

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The Anatomy of a Digital Marketer
anatomy of a digital marketer

What makes a great Digital Marketer? New technologies, software updates and innovative ideas are being produced every single day. With that in mind, it becomes clear that online marketing is not for the faint-hearted, think of the pace of the stock markets but inside an art studio, unusual work environments and hours producing individual, ever-updating […]

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Digital Marketer Snapped Up By Global Brand

“I am so excited to begin my new role and I would highly recommend using clockworkTalent to find the perfect position for you” With a vast network across the digital marketing industry, Digital Recruiters – clockworkTalent – are able to open doors for job seekers. Yet, our industry reputation also helps us in other ways. The testimonial […]

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