How to Find a New Job Without Your Boss Finding Out
How to Find a New Job Without Your Boss Finding Out - The Office looking through blinds

How do you keep a job search secret? We’re big believers in transparency, but when it comes to looking for a new job, sometimes it’s best to keep it on the down-low. Here are some tips for finding a new job without your boss finding out:  Applying for jobs… Working with a recruiter can take some of the time constraints of […]

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How to Find a New Job on TikTok
TikTok and your Job Search

‘Hey yo, found a new job through TikTok check’ Lockdown gave us a lot of things: excessive amounts of banana bread, DIY projects and for many of us, hours and hours spent scrolling through TikTok. I have my fingers crossed, hoping that despite his threat, President Trump isn’t going to ban TikTok in the US […]

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Using Social Media to Boost Your Job Search
Woman using phone

Social media isn’t just for memes… We all use social media in one way or another, especially if you work in digital marketing. So why not use social media to boost your job search?   Mini tips for job-seeking on social media:  Use the same profile photo on all platforms so you’re easily recognisable Utilise bios […]

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25 Digital Marketers to Follow on Twitter
25 digital marketers to follow on Twitter

Being a digital marketer can be lonely… If your digital marketing team consists of one, or you are a freelance digital marketer regularly working from home, you may recognise the feeling of not having anyone to talk to who truly understands your work. Rachel Pearson spoke about this during her talk at brightonSEO and Alexandra Tachalova recently published a blog […]

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