10 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
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Job interviews should be a 2-way conversation… Therefore you should always arrive prepared with questions for your interviewer. So you’re in an interview for a job you really want and it appears to be going well, in fact, really well! You’ve ticked all of the following… Eye contact ✔ Listening ears on ✔ Focused (code […]

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TCMM Shutters Leave Digital Recruiters a Blinding Review
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What began as a phone call with an employer in need of some Digital Marketing advice, turned into our latest successful hire… Our most recent hire came from an initial out-of-the-blue telephone enquiry from a coFounder looking for advice on hiring digital marketing talent. He wasn’t sure how to go about finding the “right” person […]

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How to Write Your First CV
Writing a CV

Struggling to write your first CV? As a specialist recruiter, I’ve written lots of articles about writing CV’s, but these are usually to help experienced professionals fine-tune their CV’s. What I’ve experienced recently is a series of conversations with first-time job seekers, some of whom have never written a CV. Some of these are graduates and […]

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4 Digital Marketing Hires, One Happy Sussex Brand

1 year, 4 successful hires and many smiling faces mean Mind Tools are happy to recommend our Specialist Recruiters… Just over a year ago we started working with a really interesting business just down the road from us in Sussex. It turns out Mind Tools, founded in 1996, are a leading provider of online management […]

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