You’ve led SEO teams agency side but how do you jump into an awesome client-side Head of Marketing job?
We’d known each other as “Twitter friends”. Reading eachothers tweets in our feeds for years, with a like and comment here and there. Yet we’d never been in direct conversation. That was until he spotted @clockworkTalent tweeting about hiring a new role as an agency’s Head of Organic Search. Nope, that isn’t the job he’s ultimately landed but it did get him on our radar. Moving forward we were able to consider him for other dream jobs as they came to our attention – like this Head of Marketing job!
When we asked Ryan how he heard about us, he said:

“I’ve always known about the incredible work Natasha and clockworkTalent have been doing for years, but it’s strange how our paths never crossed until now. I’m so glad they finally did.”
Briefed by Natural World Safaris‘ (NWS) Founder, Will and General Manager, Sarah. I had a very clear picture of what their future Head of Marketing would be doing. NWS is an exquisite travel outfitter with trips designed to immerse you into the natural world. They get you as close to the landscape and wildlife as possible. With big ambitions and even bigger expectations, it makes sense that the quality of their marketing is so important. It was essential to make the right hire. Having leveraged their own network, Will and Sarah chose to be proactive in attracting the right potential employee by partnering with clockworkTalent as we are specialists in digital marketing recruitment.
I knew Ryan was exactly what NWS was looking for but he’d been agencyside his whole career. Was this really something he’d consider? A proposal of going clientside, away from agency life. Taking this inhouse Head of Marketing job, was going to either be a big yes (or no). I had confidence it would be a yes, as so many agency side people yearn to take their expertise inhouse. So it’s only with a little nerves I asked whether he’d be interested. He quickly replied …
“Yes, please. A really exciting brand and lots of opportunities to improve. I’d love to be put forward for this role!”
It’s a little different for every company but for Natural World Safaris (NWS), Ryan was really suitable. He’s a T-shaped marketer. His expertise in SEO would be well utilised but also his passion (and knowledge) of the wider marketing channels would be so valuable.
The icing on the cake is that NWS and Ryan are only 12 miles away from eachother. You see Ryan had recently left a Newcastle based agency that had reverted to an office-first model which simply wouldn’t work for Ryan. A trip to the office would mean a 5 1/2hour journey. Whereas now with NWS he’s looking at a 20mins train journey door to door when needed! Location is important when you’ve got a young (growing) family.
When we asked Ryan what his thoughts of finding a marketing job with clockworkTalent, he told us
“Right from the get-go Natasha has been absolutely amazing. From our first chat and her fine-tuning of my CV to scoring interviews and landing a job, she’s truly one of the best, no doubt about it.”
Ryan’s new job is a great example of how to cross from agency to an inhouse marketing job. Ryan’s most obvious next job could have been to continue in the same agency career path, playing to his strengths and probably keeping in his comfort zone. Instead, Ryan will be using his skills and expertise to drive the marketing reins for NWS. He’s even documented his excited early reflections on Linkedin.
Me? I feel privileged to have played a small part in this whirlwind time of Ryan’s life. I say whirlwind because in addition to the new job; along with his daughter and wife, they’ve welcomed a son to their family and to their new home. Yes, in addition to his new job and having a new baby, Ryan’s also moved house!
We got Ryan’s new job safely squared away early before the house move and the arrival of their son. Ryan even went so far as to say the best part of working with clockworkTalent was that:
“You genuinely cared about each part of the process and what was going on in my life!”
I know Ryan has appreciated both clockworkTalent and NWS’s understanding and support at this time. It’s got to feel really good to know a new employer has got your back and will support your personal life events too! Ultimately it’s validating that you’ve made a great choice in accepting your new Head of Marketing job! Congrats and look forward to hearing more about this amazing adventure!
If you’re looking to recruit someone exceptional to lead your marketing, email or want help finding your next marketing job, you should check out our digital marketing jobs. Or email Natasha on so we can arrange a discreet call about your experience and what you’d like to do next.