Could a digital marketing mentor ease the pressure?

The pressure for brands to perform to their optimum potential is huge. This is why the board of AFerry, the ferry industry’s best price comparison and booking platform, choose to engage a digital marketing mentor for their Chief Marketing Officer.

With a business mantra of taking itself from good to great, the board recognised providing the young Senior Management team with experienced mentors; they’d have both support and a sounding-board of reason through the huge flux of change and investment the business was going through.

In this case, we were looking to engage an experienced Digital Marketer who could draw upon their own years of experience to provide support and ‘shortcut’ best decision making.

In advertising the role, we were inundated with applications of interest from across the globe. But ultimately the best individual was right under our nose. Someone who we’d met many years ago at BrightonSEO.

Nick Wilsdon was just one of several individuals considered. He hadn’t applied for this project; it was only through our deep industry insight and network of contacts we approached him.

“clockworkTalent came to me looking for a mentor to a CMO role. As someone who provides informal mentorship within the digital industry and acts as an advisor to senior leadership at work, this was an interesting proposition…”

The interview process was straight forward with the team using their preferred style of MBI skills assessment. It’s questioning reveals more about a candidate’s attitude than traditional interviewing and is a better predictor of future job performance. The team were unanimous in Nick’s favour.

It was with pleasure we informed Nick he would be providing that voice of reason to the CMO, helping him ensure he was making the right decisions for the business. Whether it was the strategy, technology choices, team skills assessment and much more.

“The team have been very supportive throughout the process and worked with both sides to ensure the mentorship is running successfully….”

We check in with both parties from time to time. In fact, Nick told us the best part of our service is the…

“follow-up and attention during the process”

After a couple of initial teething problems in the administration of the role, which we, of course, put straight with a quick call, it appears serendipity has occurred. Since this engagement commenced, we’ve even heard that purely by chance, both the CMO and Nick have found themselves travelling together on the same train!

“[clockworkTalent] couldn’t have done anything better.”

Thank you, Nick, for your kind words and keep up the good work in helping AFerry maintain their course from good to great!

If like Nick, you’re an experienced Digital Marketer wanting to explore different options out there for you, make yourself known to our team by emailing with your CV. We can then consider you for additional opportunities as and when they arise.