Paige Hobart, The Making of A Marketer
Paige MOAM

It’s Women in Tech SEO week! Let’s chat to one of the amazing SEO speakers! During this blog series, we talk to accomplished digital marketing professionals from a variety of backgrounds about their career journeys with the aim of inspiring jobs seekers, aspiring freelancers and the trailblazing entrepreneurs amongst you! This week I spoke to Paige […]

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Women in Tech SEO Fest 2020 Roundup
Women In Tech SEO bandge

Joining the global girl gang… Since its launch, the global Women In Tech SEO community has been providing much-needed exposure for women in a male-dominated industry. So, when Areej AbuAli first told us about her plans to host a (deep breath) brand-new-first-of-its-kind-female-only-technical-SEO-conference, we jumped at the opportunity to be a silver sponsor! The event was […]

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