We Floated the Right CV Over to This Founder
i-sopod float tank at floatworks

Could this be our most relaxing hire? Recent news headlines have brought to the world’s attention to the importance of Health and Wellbeing. In fact, we’ve even introduced our own Wellness & Work video series. Imagine my delight when I saw an enquiry in from Floatworks. A business whose service is one of London’s most […]

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Are You Being Haunted by Imposter Syndrome?
Halloween masks hanging on wall

It’s time to call Ghostbusters… Imposter syndrome feels like a modern-day buzzword, but it’s actually existed since the beginning of…humans! It’s a ghoulish, debilitating phenomenon- the inability to believe that one’s success isn’t deserved or achieved legitimately. This feeling can haunt your career, making you feel fraudulent and ultimately sabotage your achievements. People struggling with […]

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Is it Time for a Social Media Detox?
Ed Sheeran deletes his social media quote

Dear fellow social media addicts… If you work in digital marketing, it might seem impossible to have a break from social media. It’s part of everything we do at home, at work and in between! If you’ve written a great blog post for your company website, you’ll probably share it on LinkedIn. Bought an extra […]

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