10 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
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Job interviews should be a 2-way conversation… Therefore you should always arrive prepared with questions for your interviewer. So you’re in an interview for a job you really want and it appears to be going well, in fact, really well! You’ve ticked all of the following… Eye contact ✔ Listening ears on ✔ Focused (code […]

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How to Write Your First CV
Writing a CV

Struggling to write your first CV? As a specialist recruiter, I’ve written lots of articles about writing CV’s, but these are usually to help experienced professionals fine-tune their CV’s. What I’ve experienced recently is a series of conversations with first-time job seekers, some of whom have never written a CV. Some of these are graduates and […]

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CV Buzzwords to Avoid
CV Buzzwords to avoid

These buzzwords can kill your CV… When the digital recruitment specialists at clockworkTalent help a job seeker find their perfect career step, we initially take a good long look at the CV. We thought we’d go back to the very initial stage of an application process, taking a look at the content of your CV […]

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10 Reasons Your Digital Job Application Failed
restricted area sign digital job applications

How to ensure your application for a digital job is successful… I’m always hoping the next job application I open will be ‘the one!’. The risk with that? I’m making my decision based entirely on the information presented to me in the CV or cover letter. Good digital marketing jobs are highly desirable so it’s […]

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