Think You’re Under-Qualified? So What!
Begin by applying for that job!

Just click that apply button… If you were looking for a sign to apply for a job you’ve been putting off because you don’t tick every box in the description… THIS IS IT! What have you got to lose?  Job adverts = utopia The main purpose of a job advert is to attract potential candidates […]

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Are You Being Haunted by Imposter Syndrome?
Halloween masks hanging on wall

It’s time to call Ghostbusters… Imposter syndrome feels like a modern-day buzzword, but it’s actually existed since the beginning of…humans! It’s a ghoulish, debilitating phenomenon- the inability to believe that one’s success isn’t deserved or achieved legitimately. This feeling can haunt your career, making you feel fraudulent and ultimately sabotage your achievements. People struggling with […]

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