Mark Williams-Cook, The Making of a Marketer

Finding the spark that ignites your career… During this blog series, we’ve been tracking down accomplished digital marketing professionals from a variety of backgrounds to talk us through their career journeys with the aim of inspiring jobs seekers, aspiring freelancers and the trailblazing entrepreneurs amongst you!  So, who better than Mark Williams-Cook to talk you through […]

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Mark Rofe, The Making of a Marketer
Mark Rofe- The Making of a Marketer Featured

Maybe you’ve already discovered your craft… With the aim of inspiring digital marketing jobs seekers, aspiring freelancers and the trailblazing entrepreneurs amongst you, we’ve tracked down accomplished industry professionals from a range of sectors to talk us through their own marketing career journeys in this new series of blog posts. This time we were lucky enough to interview Mark Rofe! […]

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