Regretting a job move? Here’s what to do next!
Shot of a young businessman experiencing stress during a late night at work

Remember starting a new job can be hard, but you’re not the only one to think that.. If you’ve recently started a new job but already regret having accepted it, you’re not alone. Many people start out this way. It is a very common thing for a person to sit at their desk on their […]

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Maternity & Paternity Policies in Digital Marketing Research
maternity packages in digital marketing pink writing

We need your help… This research is now complete, please see the final report into maternity & paternity policies. March 8th 2021 was International Women’s Day (IWD) and it hit home to me how the digital marketing community is overlooking important employment benefits which could help attract and retain their current and future employees. As […]

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How to Pass Your Probation. Period.
How to pass your probation period

Don’t forget the first months are crucial to you passing your probation period… Although you’ve been offered, accepted and started your new digital marketing job, you’re actually still on trial until you pass your probation. Almost all job offers have a probation period tied to the offer, which you must pass to continue on in that role. […]

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