Contact to us

Hello! I’m Emma! I have recently been made the newest member of the clockworkTalent team! I have been made very welcome by the brilliant Natasha, creative mastermind CJ and of course Valentino, Head of Dogital here at clockworkTalent the Digital Marketing Recruitment Specialists. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and aim to be a Digital Marketing information sponge during my time with clockworkTalent’s amazing minds!

While at school and through University, I worked in catering which has made me a perfectionist (for example, setting tables for weddings involves ensuring cutlery is at a precise angle from the wine glass – YES that in depth!). This experience also taught me to make an exceptional cup of coffee (-Latte art and everything!). But my true interests were shaped around digital media during my time at the University of Portsmouth while studying Media Studies. I was given free range on topics to research and gravitated towards social media, its effects on users and impact on society before realising I could turn this interest into a rewarding set of skills.

I spend a lot of my free time (PAUSE FOR NERD ALERT!) keeping up with technology news, social media trends and what people are talking about online! As for my interests away from the clockworkTalent office, I enjoy being social, meeting with friends and family, keeping up to date on film and television releases, feeding my photography habit and, if I dare admit it, catching up on celebrity news – even if that means the Kardashians (social media superstars by the way!!!).

My previous experience of the digital world includes some social media and website management work for a high-street business. I am looking forward to letting my creative flare loose as Digital Marketing Apprentice, and with CJ as my tutor, I am excited to throw myself even deeper into the digital and social media marketing world!

You can follow my social media accounts to keep up with my clockworkTalent journey: Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram