I can’t stand Crème Eggs….
There. I said it. It’s out there…
For me, while Easter is mainly all about hot cross buns, roast Lamb and chocolate, it also marks the beginning of spring, a fresh start and new things to look forward to! So, here’s a look back at what we’ve been up to at clockworkTalent in 2018 so far and how you can find your own fresh start in a new digital marketing job.

Looking Back
Taking a look back at the year so far, we at clockworkTalent have been super busy!
Since January, we’ve placed some ‘egg-ceptional’
candidates into new jobs this year, including an SEO & Content Executive for the Telegraph, a Head of Marketing for Wave Leisure, Digital Executive for Pegasus Life and a Project Account Manager in Thailand!
We didn’t let the Beast from the East slow us down either! During the week of snow and ice that put the rest of the UK on hold, our Director Natasha was keeping warm at home finalising the job offer and acceptance for Sussex Charitable Trust, Wave Leisure for Abby who was then, travelling halfway across the world between sunny Laos and humid Thailand!

In February, the team attended a careers evening at Eastbourne College which was an opportunity to meet the next generation of digital marketing talent.
We had a great evening answering students’ questions about digital marketing, what career opportunities might be there for them and how to get a foot in the digital marketing door. It was genuinely exciting to share industry knowledge with a novice audience brimming full of enthusiasm and curiosity. The students were awesome and worked their way around the room with a confident naivety and a buzz of excitement for their rapidly approaching post
A Level futures. This was great to witness and perhaps we played a small part in steering their ideas!

We’re also proud of our MD, Natasha. She delivered on her promise to walk across hot coals for charity. No yolk, she raised £690 for St Catherine’s Hospice. It was a cracking night and the whole evening raised a staggering £30,000 for this worthy cause. It’s never too late to donate, you can use her JustGiving page.

Some popular digital marketing and job seeking blogs you shouldn’t miss from 2018 include…
- Top 10 Digital Tools Series
- Top Tips For Falling Back In Love With Your Job
- Can I Find A Digital Marketing Job Whilst Travelling Abroad?
- So You Want To Be A Social Media Influencer
- How Can Your Side Hustle Make Your CV Stand Out From The Crowd?
Are you looking to hatch a new start in your career?
We have some cracking digital marketing job opportunities for you this spring, whether it’s a location change, a career step up or just something a bit different, we will be able to help.
We are specialists in Digital Marketing Recruitment, if you want to find out more about any of our roles or are looking for some job seeking advice, give your CV a spring clean and send it over to our expert recruiters via jobs@clockworkTalent.com.
Springing Forward
We will be attending BrightonSEO at the end of April, notebooks in hand ready for another whirlwind day of information, learning and beer. If you’re heading to the conference, make sure to keep an eye out and flag us down to say hello when you see us there!
We also have an exciting, annual evening to attend in July at the Tower of London with a few of our clients. And of course, we are looking forward to offering you more amazing jobs while meeting new clients and awesome digital marketers on the way!
Have a wonderful Easter bank holiday and remember to it’s not en-oeuf to just think about new jobs, send your CV to jobs@clockworkTalent.com to let us help you hatch yourself a brand-new start this spring!