Olivia Hanlon, The Making of A Marketer
Olivia Hanlon MOAM

From studying psychology to Founder and CEO!  During this blog series, we talk to accomplished digital marketing professionals from a variety of backgrounds about their career journeys with the aim of inspiring jobs seekers, aspiring freelancers and the trailblazing entrepreneurs amongst you! Olivia is the Founder and CEO of Girls in Marketing, an e-learning platform […]

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Martha Mae, The Making of A Marketer
_Martha Mae MOAM Featured Image2

How volunteering for a company leads to your full-time role! During this blog series, we talk to accomplished digital marketing professionals from a variety of backgrounds about their career journeys with the aim of inspiring job seekers, aspiring freelancers and the trailblazing entrepreneurs amongst you! Martha is the Digital Communications and Projects Lead at Girls […]

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Introducing our Newest Digital Marketing Recruiter, Sophie!

New Year, New Recruit (er)…. Hi everyone, my name’s Sophie! I’m elated to join the specialist recruiters, clockworkTalent and start my journey into the world of digital marketing. I can’t wait to learn more and start helping all you creative-minded people progress in your career too. First studying a BA Photography at the Uni of […]

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